Horeca & Retail

Looking for the right chef jacket? Looking for the right chef jacket?
Looking for the right chef jacket?
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New look for the kitchen?

New look for the kitchen?

Let us show you the many possibilities with our aprons.

Does your kitchen need a new look? Change your style quickly and easily with a new apron. Choose color on the apron by season or the raw look of our RAW series. You can also choose the noble and elegant solution with a classic white apron.

Developed by chefs for chefs

Developed by chefs for chefs

The Danish Danish Culinary Team is an important partner to our product development. Through close dialogue with the chefs, we are constantly updated about the latest trends. When observing the chefs in action, we can e.g. see how we can optimize the chef jacket's to ensure ideal comfort in the daily work.



Renew the workwear for the hotel and restaurant industry

At Kentaur, we are working to make your work day easier. We do this by creating functional and innovative in which where quality is always tested, consistent and top notch. We have a wide selection of models and colours, and we offer everything from classic waistcoats and colourful aprons to sixpence hats and comfortable sweat pants. Thus, we make it possible to do a quick renewal of the service clothing, for example with a colour change on the apron, or a full replacement of the chef uniform from trousers to the chef jacket. Whatever degree of change you are looking for, you can find it with us.

Quality, functionality and understanding

In the hotel and restaurant industry, work is rarely sedentary. It is often busy as soon as the day starts. At Kentaur, we create workwear such as chef and service uniforms that can meet the industry's challenges. In order to give the user the best experience with the clothes, we use only the best materials and fabrics. The fabric in our chef jacket is, for example, a fabric that feels soft and light with high breathability.
Our chef clothing can withstand everyday wear and tear; grease stains and repetitive washings at high temperatures are therefore not a problem. This means that shape, colour and feel are maintained even after many days of work and washing.

Chef clothing created in collaboration with you

When we create and produce our workwear, we always make sure that the functionality fits those who need it. We do this by being in dialogue with the users and listening to their needs. When we begin creating the perfect chef clothing, we collaborate with, for example, the Danish cookery team. They test our chef clothing and are involved in the development of the products, so that together we can ensure that the clothes have all the necessary details. That is why we know that the apron cord can start cutting into the neck on a long and warm working day and that it is thus important to have a strap in the chef clothing to keep the cord in place. We know that a pocket for the tea towel is needed and that it can be useful to have a bib apron with a smock that can be reversed so that it can also be used as a service uniform.

We develop our chef and service clothing in collaboration with you, which therefore covers all the needs of the industry, while fitting exactly as it should — even after many working days and machine washes.